A Step-By-Step Roadmap To Foiling
One Click Away From Learning Something New

If you are like me you can just follow foiling related content. It is the best way to see what is new in the world of foiling

Project Cedrus Blog
Kyle provides a lot of useful information and technical details too.

The Progression Project Podcast
Eric does an amazing job finding foilers to talk to and the progression of the sport. Definitely worth a listen.

Indie Foil Blog
These guys are dedicated to the technical aspects of foil wings.

The Foiling Guide
This is a new website that is looking to be a central information hub for foiling and reviews. They are community driven. You can sign up and then leave your opinion about foils and other aspects of foiling. I like the set up and it was easy to sign up. Check them out

The Foil Shop
Josh does a great job reviewing wings

Wake Thief
This is about as controlled an analysis of foils that you can find.

This is mostly a E-foil forum, but it has other stuff too

James Casey Catch-up
Great Podcasts that are entertaining and informative
Knowledge is the key to sucess
Improve your skills
Learn new techniques
Understand the basics
Knowing why will help you figure out how.
try, try again
Best Practices
Practice makes perfect or at least something close. Besides it is fun just to practice foiling

................................... The Purpose of this site is to spread knowledge and joy.
So, let's be happy and go foiling